"He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts." Samuel Johnson

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 18 June 8th

Tuesday was my first day of actually working with the kids. I was pretty nervous going in. It didn't help that Derek had said he had a lot of trouble with the am group the day before. But it turned out to be awesome. Most of the hiccups we had were my fault, but even those didn't slow us down and we got done way early in the morning we even got a bunch of the once a week jobs done. They all talked about how it was so much better than Monday, that felt good to hear. During our debrief I praised them but also tried to challenge them to reach for excellence.

It was also really cool because I got a chance to talk to peter about really accepting criticism and changing with it. because he was so helpful for me and Derek said he had been fighting them on a lot of things (Peter is a third year crew camper) so that was a sweet opportunity to really encourage. Other then that yesterday was good and I had fours hours of free time that I just hung out at the lower I for. Then our activity last night was Zots which was way fun. On the way to the cabins me and Derek had a good talk, we have not had much time around each other since kids came so that was good.

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